Zen Token Powering the Zenit World Ecosystem

Unlock Exclusive Benefits and Premium Features with Zen Token

Explore the key features and mechanics of ZEN Token, including its distribution, token burning, and staking rewards


ZEN Token Empowering the Future

Deflationary Asset

ZEN represents the growth of Zenit, generating rewards and capturing the essence of our projects success.

Access All Services

With ZEN, you gain full access to the range of services and benefits offered by Zenit World.

Total Supply and Distribution

The total supply of ZEN is 153,000,000 tokens, carefully distributed to maintain its uniqueness and value.

Experience the Power of ZEN

The ZEN Token, native to Zenit World, powers our platform and provides exclusive benefits to our users. By holding ZEN, you unlock a world of possibilities, including swapping, copy trading, staking, and community fees retribution. Join us on this exciting journey and explore the full potential of ZEN with Zenit World.

Unlock the Potential of Crypto Staking

Proportional Rewards

The longer the lockup period, the greater the amount of sZEN received, determining your share of staking rewards and account tier..

Lock and Earn

ZEN holders can stake their tokens for a designated lockup period to earn non-transferable sZEN tokens.

Monthly Redistribution

Staking rewards are distributed monthly, with a percentage sourced from the Zenit Platform Fee and the Incentive Program.

Exclusive Benefits with sZEN

Enjoy the advantages of sZEN, the non-transferable token obtained through staking ZEN. Holding sZEN provides access to exclusive benefits and lower fees on the Zenit platform. Maximize your trading experience and reap the rewards of being a part of the Zenit community.

Start Your Crypto Journey Today


Embrace the ZEN JourneyStep into the world of ZEN Tokenomics and seize the opportunities it offers. Join Zenit World and witness the power of ZEN as it drives your success in the cryptocurrency market.